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In most cases it serves to indicate the number of popes who have taken that name. Benedict XVI means that there were 15 popes prior to the present one who have taken the name Benedict. Given the long history of the church and the vagaries of human history (to say nothing of the controversial anti-popes) the numbers are not always accurate. If I am not mistaken, the popes named John have not been accurately counted. There may be others. But there is really no significance beyond that; it's just a way to tell them apart.

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Q: What is the meaning of the Roman numeral after the names of popes?
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When did they stop using roman numerals as their number system?

In Europe, the Hindu-Arabic numerals gradually displaced the Roman numerals over a long period, from about 1000 AD to about 1500 AD. After that time, Roman numerals were no longer used in calculations. Roman numerals remained in use in "official" contexts, such as dates on the foundation stones of buildings, up to very recently. They are also still used in the names of monarchs (Queen Elizabeth II, Louis XIV of France), and Popes (Pope Pius X). Also the introductory pages of books are often labelled with Roman numerals. = =

What is the meaning in the Bible of cardinals?

The title Cardinal is not found in scripture. This title refers to the Roman Catholic Church, and one of a group of more than 100 prominent bishops in the Sacred College who advise the Pope and elect new Popes. This is neither mentioned in the Old nor the New testaments, but is a man made and was not sanctioned by God.

What are the 5 uses of roman numerals?

There are seven Roman Numerals. I=1, V=5, X=10, L=50, C=100, D=500, M=1000. 5 Uses are I. Clock Faces II. Calendars III. Copyright or production dates (as on films and TV Programmes) IV. Names of Kings And Queens, and Popes V. Sequels to Films and Computer games. Similar to sequel use is for recurring and/or historical events (World War II, XXIX Olympic Games, Super Bowl XLII).

Where is roman numerals used?

Roman numerals are still used in various contexts today, including on clock faces, to number book chapters or sections, in the titles of monarchs or popes, and in the naming of movie sequels. They are also used in certain educational contexts to teach ancient Roman history and arithmetic.

Why are roman numerals so important?

Roman numerals are important historically because they were the primary system used for counting and recording numbers in the Roman Empire and Western Europe for centuries. They are still used today in certain applications such as clock faces, movie credits, and for naming monarchs and popes. Additionally, understanding Roman numerals can enhance cultural appreciation and historical understanding.

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Roman Catholic Popes are descended from Peter, how can they be false? Please be more clear in your question and what you are referring to.

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There have been 266 popes, too many names to list here. For a complete list of these popes as well as their real names, click on this link.

Are there popes that are not named?

No, the Church has had 266 popes (as of 2013) and all have had names.

What were the popes' names before they became popes?

The list is too large to publish here so click here for where you can find a list of all the popes and their birth names.

How do you compare popes in paganism?

there were no popes in the pagan world, you imbecile; the popes were vicars of the roman catholic (ie. Christian) church.

What are kings and popes?

Kings are the ruler of that country. Popes are the head of the Roman Catholic Church.

What are the names of the popes in Singapore?

There are no popes in Singapore, only Pope Francis in Rome.

What are the popes' names and where are they from?

For a complete list of all the popes and their birth places, click here.

How many popes are of French origin?

There have been 17 popes of French origin. For their names click here.

Total number of all roman catholic popes?


Where is there info on the popes?

Click on this linkfor a complete list of all popes. You can click on the individual names for a biography of each pope.

Are popes head of the church?

The Pope is head of the Roman Catholic Church.