

Best Answer

It's 1965.






Hope that helps!

Improved Answer:-

In today's notation of Roman numerals: MCDLXV = 1465

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Q: What is the meaning of the roman numeral of MCDLXV?
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What is the meaning of the roman numeral MCDLXV?

MCDLXV is a roman numeral where M=1000 C=100 D=500 L=50 X=10 V=5 M C D L X V 1000 100 500 50 10 5 __________ ______________ As 500 is bigger Add 50than 100,Subtract:500-100=400 As 50>10>5, Add 50+10+5=65 MCDLXV=1000+400+60+5+1465

What is mcdlxv in roman numerals?

It is already in Roman numerals but if you meant its equivalent in Hindu-Arabic numerals then under the present rules now governing the Roman numeral system it is 1465.

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It has no meaning. K is not a roman numeral.

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I. The numeral is I, meaning one.

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What i ccxcix in roman numerals?

299 is probably the intended meaning of this improperly formed Roman numeral .

What does ivviv mean in roman numerals?

"IVVIV" does not have a specific meaning in Roman numerals. In the Roman numeral system, "I" represents 1, "V" represents 5, and "X" represents 10. If you are referring to a different numeral, please specify.