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The saying 'hindsight is twenty-twenty' means that it is easy to be knowledgeable about a situation after it has happened. It refers to being able to see an event more clearly when looking back on it, rather than when it was actually happening.

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Q: What is the meaning of the saying 'Hindsight is twenty twenty'?
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Who said hindsight is always twenty twenty?

The phrase "hindsight is 20/20" is a popular saying that is often attributed to William Shakespeare, but its exact origin is unclear. It means that it is easier to understand or judge things after they have already happened.

What is the meaning of hine site?

Hindsight is when you look back on something after it happens (For example: In hindsight, I realize that I shouldn't have argued with my brother.)

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The Beauty of Hindsight was created in 2003.

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A twenty sided polygon is called an icosagon - from the Greek words "icosi", meaning twenty, and "gonus", meaning angle, or knee.

Can you say 'In hindsight'?

1. The most common expression is 'with hindsight,' which is short for 'with the benefit of hindsight.'Hindsight is a function of the mind that analyses and re-assesses past experiences, re-evaluating past decisions and actions in the light of present knowledge."hindsight n. understanding of a situation or event only after it has happened or developed: with hindsight, I should never have gone." -Oxford Pocket Dictionary of Current English 2009.Example of usage in an economics report:* "With hindsight, the ECB (bank) rate rise, just weeks before the Lehman (investment bank) collapse, appears a policy mistake." -Financial, June 28, 2009. 2. A similar expression is 'in retrospect,' (Latin retrospectus) which means thinking now about something in the past.* "In retrospect, all revolutions seem inevitable. Beforehand, all revolutions seem impossible." - Michael McFaul, US National Security Council, quoted in NY Times June 21, 2009.3. 'Hindsight' is a relatively new word in the English language. It was first seen in print in 1851 and meant, quite simply, the 'back-sight of a rifle.' But the first recorded usage to mean 'perception after the event' was as recent as 1883. In due course this second meaning of the word 'hindsight' was also listed in dictionariesIt seems possible, therefore, that the two phrases, i.e. the much older expression 'in retrospect' and the newer 'with hindsight,' have become (mistakenly?) mixed, producing an addional (but hybrid?) expression 'in hindsight.'4.1 Even so, 'in hindsight' (meaning 'looking back,' or 'in retrospect') is often now used, although perhaps less frequently than 'with hindsight.'4.2 'In Hindsight' in Report and Article titles:An annual report might be entitled "The Year: In Hindsight" meaning that the review of the past year is being presented from a position of looking backwards from where we are now, taking a retrospective view if things.5. The word 'hindsight' can also be used by itself, without any preposition:* "Hindsight is an exact science, but foresight, whilst extremely desirable, is more problematic!" * "Hindsight is a wonderful thing!" CONCLUSION, AND TIP FOR LEARNERS:In general conversation, it would seem best to say 'in hindsight.' This is the form shown in The Oxford Pocket Dictionary of Current English 2009, and in the Cambridge Learner's Dictionary 2004.For more information, see Related links below.

What is the Greek name for hindsight?

The Greek name for hindsight is "μεταγνώση" (metagnósi).

What are the release dates for Hindsight - 1997?

Hindsight - 1997 was released on: USA: November 1997

When was Hindsight - Anathema album - created?

Hindsight - Anathema album - was created on 2008-08-11.

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the awesomeness from Indiana asked, hindsight

What actors and actresses appeared in Hindsight - 1991?

The cast of Hindsight - 1991 includes: Jasper Cole as Paul

What actors and actresses appeared in Hindsight - 2001?

The cast of Hindsight - 2001 includes: Neil Herriot as Alex

What is the antonym of hindsight?

The antonym of hindsight is foresight. Foresight refers to the ability to predict or anticipate future events or outcomes, while hindsight reflects looking back on past events or experiences.