#1a0001 is a hexadecimal color, used commonly to make text or background on a webpage a certain color. It is a very deep red, almost black color. #000000 is the hexadecimal code for black, which would be more commonly used.
happening one after another in sequence
The order the events occurred in.
You mean what IS a geometric sequence? It's when the ratio of the terms is constant, meaning: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16... The ratio of one term to the term directly following it is always 1:2, or .5. So like, instead of an arithmetic sequence, where you're adding a specific amount each time, in a geometric sequence, you're multiplying by that term.
In numerology, any repeating sequence of numbers is a good sign. In cursory research, the term 'angel numbers' came up quite a bit. In angelology, the sequence of numbers, especially the number 7, in digits of three or more is considered to be very lucky.
There are many meanings, depending on the context. For example: The position of a digit in a number is the place value that it occupies. The position of a point or shape in space are its coordinates. The position of a term in a sequence is its ordinal location in the sequence.
There is no such thing. A sequence is a sequence, but it has no special meaning in PHP.
The order the events occurred in.
happening one after another in sequence
The order the events occurred in.
(computer science) A sequence of records arranged in collating sequence used with direct-access devices.
The one after "third" but before "fifth" in a sequence.
The 11th in a set or sequence. Or amounting to eleven in numbers.
There preparing Alyson for her funeral.
it is the highest number minus the lowest number in a sequence of numbers
It is a sequence of two equal measures of length followed by a pair of equal decimal fractions. The meaning such a sequence is unknown.
straight line or sequence way
The significance is that "geopolitics" is not a PHRASE, it is a WORD. A phrase is a SEQUENCE of words that have meaning.