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It means that you are not supposed to smoke in a certain area.

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Q: What is the meaning of the sign no smoking?
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No smoking sign meaning?

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What would be a good image to help you picture the meaning of the word aren't?

the red cross, like on a "no smoking" sign.

What does the no smoking sign in an airplane say?

No smoking plaese.

What does the no smoking sign on an airplane mean?

Not very long ago smoking was allowed during the flight. It was however not allowed during landing, take off and during refuelling. A no smoking sign was therefore switched on and smoking was only allowed when the captain switched off the sign. Presently, no smoking is allowed in most flights, but the lights are switched on to remind the passengers that smoking is not permitted

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What is defense de fumer sign in french?

"no smoking"

Which way does a no smoking sign run?

The slash mark in a no smoking sign runs from upper left to lower right. Another way to describe the direction is from northeast to southwest.

What is the No Smoking Sign Library?

The "No Smoking Sign Library" is a pro-active resource that one may use to promote smoking cessation. A variety of signs can be downloaded for free from some websites or hard copies can be purchased and shipped to various locations.

Is dry cough congestion sign of smoking weed?


Does Kristen Stuart smoke?

Yes she does unfortunately sign here to help her stop smoking SIGN: Fiona

What does a no smoking sign look like?

A circle with a cigarette on it with a line through it.

Should there be a no smoking sign around helium?

Yes, it is advisable to have a no smoking sign around helium. Helium is a highly flammable gas, and smoking near it can create a serious fire hazard. It is important to follow safety precautions to prevent any accidents.