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Kelly Johns

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Q: What is the meaning of the slope?
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how the values of the slope affect the overall meaning of the equation?

What is the meaning of m in slope?

In slope intercept form, m IS the slope. y = mx + b slope is change in height divided by change in x direction.

What is the real life meaning of slope?

The slope-intercept equation y = mx + b is that they mechanically substitute for m and b without understanding their meaning.

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In a graph speed versus time what is the meaning of the slope?

The slope of the speed-vs-time graph is the magnitude of acceleration.

What is the difference between undefined slope and no slope?

Undefined slope is when a line is exactly on the y-axis, for reasons unknown, the slope of a line on the y-axis cannot be determined, so therefore it it "undefined." A line with no slope is a line with a slope of zero. In order for a line to have a slope of zero, it must be directly on the x-axis, meaning it is horizontal. Horizontal lines are straight and have no slope

What is the meaning of zero in a straight line?

For a horizontal line, the slope is zero. Using the formula y=mx+b, where m is the slope.

What is the meaning of each of the following features of a velocity-time graph the slope of the line?

The slope of a line on a velocity-time graph is acceleration.

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What is physical meaning of slope for voltages vs current graphs?

The slope of a voltage vs. current graph represents the resistance in the circuit. It indicates how the voltage changes with respect to the current flowing through the circuit. A steeper slope indicates higher resistance, while a shallower slope indicates lower resistance.

What is the physical meaning of the slope of the magnetic force vs magnetic field graph?

The slope of the magnetic force vs. magnetic field graph represents the magnetic permeability of the material. A steeper slope indicates a higher magnetic permeability, meaning the material is more easily magnetized by an applied magnetic field. Conversely, a shallower slope indicates lower magnetic permeability.

What is the physical meaning of the slope of the graph of displacement vs time?

The slope of the graph of displacement vs time represents the velocity of an object. A steeper slope indicates a higher velocity, while a shallower slope indicates a lower velocity.