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Q: What is the meaning of turn over rate?
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What is labor turn over?

labour turn over refers to the rate at which employees join and leave the company

What is labour labour turn over?

labour turn over refers to the rate at which employees join and leave the company

What is the meaning of PTO?

Page Turn Over Page Turn Over

What is the meaning of to turn over a new life?

The saying is "turn over a new leaf" not life.

What is the full of meaning of PTO?

Please Turn Over.

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pay rate and turn over

Does an hour glass stopping have meaning?

time to turn it

Is REI a good company to work for?

REI is a big company and has a lot of room for growth and promotions. All of the employees are happy to work there and the turn over rate for them is low. When a turn over rate (the rate in which people are hired and how many people quit) is low this means that people are staying with the company and not leaving

How long is the reaction rate for carbon to turn into diamonds?

More than a 'reaction rate' it's a formation rate. In this case, diamonds are formed over many, many millenia.

What is the current conversion rate of dollar to rupee?

According to the Royal Bank of Canada the current rate is 0.019011. Meaning that a single canadian dollar would turn out to be more or less 52.59 rupee of India.

What does 'gun the engine' mean?

To gun an engine or motor is to suddenly give it the maximum fuel, causing it to turn over at its fastest rate.

What is the meaning of the idiomatic expression 'turn over in his grave'?

It is a fanciful way of saying that an ancestor would greatly disapprove of an action or situation. For example, "Grandma would turn over if her grave if she saw the way you acted at that party!"