The quality or state of being variable; variableness., The power possessed by living organisms, both animal and vegetable, of adapting themselves to modifications or changes in their environment, thus possibly giving rise to ultimate variation of structure or function.
Variable means something that changes. X, for example, is a variable, as it can be many different numbers.
The dependent variable depends on the independent variable for its values as for example in the straight line equation y = 2x+6 whereas y is the dependent variable and x is the independent variable
It could represent an unknown variable in an expression or an equation.
experimantal variable is ewan koh! hahhahahaahah! epal
For example in the term 3x the number is the coefficient of the variable x
Variable means something that changes. X, for example, is a variable, as it can be many different numbers.
variable is the unknown number. usually represented as a letter
An independent variable is a variable that is manipulated or controlled by the researcher in an experiment to determine its effect on the dependent variable. It is the variable that is changed or varied to observe its impact on the outcome.
The controlled variable is the variable that is kept constant , meaning not changed, throughout the entire experiment.
The dependent variable depends on the independent variable for its values as for example in the straight line equation y = 2x+6 whereas y is the dependent variable and x is the independent variable
a method is a variable
VSR - acronym meaning Variable Speed Reversible drill
The phrase Le temps est variable translate into English as The weather is variable meaning that the temperature will change.
The variable being tested is controlled.
Variables are not constants. The terms have opposite meaning.
The meaning or EDVAC is Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer