negative, weak
No, it indicates an extremely strong positive correlation.
correlation which can be strong or weak
If variables have zero correlation, they do not have a linear relationship. Zero correlation shows that two things were not found to be related.
negative, weak
a strong negative correlation* * * * *No it is not. It is a very weak positive correlation.
No, it indicates an extremely strong positive correlation.
If the form is nonlinear (like if the data is in the shape of a parabola) then there could be a strong association and weak correlation.
R less than 0.3
correlation which can be strong or weak
good correlation
A correlation near 0 indicates a weak linear association.
various approaches to data exploration are 1. perfect correlation 2. strong correlation 3. weak correlation
The correlation coefficient must lie between -1 and +1 and so a correlation coefficient of 35 is a strong indication of a calculation error. If you meant 0.35, then it is a weak correlation.