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Q: What is the measure of an arc intercepted by an angle formed by a tangent and a chord drawn from the point of tangency if the angle measures 40 degrees?
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What is the measure of an arc intercepted by an angle formed by a tangent and a chord drawn from the point of tangency if the angle measures 40?

4/9*pi*r where r is the radius of the circle.

The measure of an angle formed by intersecting chords is of the sum of the measures of the intercepted arcs?

It is the measure of half the intercepted arc.

If an intercepted arc measures 124 degrees what is the measure of its inscribed angle?

The answer is half the measure, 62°. Have a nice day!

What measure of a intercepted arc?

Examples to show how to use the property that the measure of a central angle is equal to the measure of its intercepted arc to find the missing measures of arcs and angles in given figures.

What is the measure of an arc that is intercepted by an inscribed angle of 30 degrees?

60 degrees

What is the measure of the intercepted arc If a central angle has a measure of 45 degrees?

360 degree

The measure of a tangent-tangent angle is half the difference of the measures of the intercepted arcs?


Measure of an angle formed by intersecting chords is half the sum of measures of the intercepted arcs?


If the measure of a tangent-chord angle is 68 degrees then what is the measure of the intercepted arc inside the angle?


The measure of a tangent chord angle is 68 then what is the measure of the intercepted arc inside the angle?

136 degrees

The measure of a tangent chord angle is 54 then what is the measure of the intercepted arc inside the angle?

108 degrees

If the measure of a tangent-chord angle is 54 degrees then what is the measure of the intercepted arc inside the angle?

108 ;)