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Q: What is the measure of radius is 9 of a central angle?
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What is the measure of the central angle if the arc length is 36 and the radius is 9?

It is: 36/18pi times 360 = about 229 degrees

What is the measure of the central angle with a sector area of 169.56 and a radius of 9?

Radius is 9 so area of complete circle (360o) is 81 x 3.14 ie 254.34. Angle of sector is therefore 360 x 169.56/254.34 which is 240o

What is the measure of the central angles if the arc length equals 3.14 and the radius equals 9?

Whoever wrote this question for you would be happy to see "pi" in the answer rather than "3.14." So I will use pi. Measure of central angle/360=arc length/2pi*r; measure.../360=pi/2pi*9; measure.../360=1/18; measure...=360/18=20. The measure of the central angle is 20 degrees.

Calculate the measure of a central angle of a regular nine- sided polygon?

Each central angle of a regular 9 sided polygon: 360/9 = 40 degrees

How do you calculate the measure of a central angle of a regular nine sided polygon?

To calculate the measure of a central angle of a regular nine-sided polygon, divide 360 degrees by the number of sides. In this case, divide 360 by 9. The measure of the central angle of a regular nine-sided polygon is 40 degrees.

What is the measure of a central angle with a circumference of 9 and an arc length of 1?

40 degrees

Find the measure of a central angle with circumference of 9 and arc length of 1?

suck this dudck.

Circumference equals 9 and arc length is 1 what is the central angle?

arc length/circumference=central angle/360 1/9=central angle/360 central angle=40

What is the measure of an arc intercepted by an angle formed by a tangent and a chord drawn from the point of tangency if the angle measures 40?

4/9*pi*r where r is the radius of the circle.

For a circle of radius 9 feet find the arc length 's' subtended by a central angle of 18 degrees?

The measure of the central angle divided by 360 degrees equals the arc length divided by the circumference. So 18 degrees/360 degrees=arc length/(9 feet*2pi). 1/20=arc length/18pi feet; arc length=9pi/10 feet. It's refreshing to answer a question that is written with grammatical accuracy!

What is the measure of each exterior angle of a regular 40-gon?

Each exterior angle will measure 9 degrees

What is the measure of the exterior angle of a regular 9 side polygon?

400 exterior angle = 360/9 = 400