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The bus is longer than the car

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Q: What is the measurement difference between the length of a car and the length of a bus?
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What is the difference between observed most probable and true value of a quantity?

The difference between the observed and the true value is the error. The most probable value depends on how it is defined and calculated. The maximum likelihood estimate (MLE) is often used but there are situations where it is not the most probable. For example, you are in a town where the bus routes are numbered sequentially. You want to know how many routes there are and so you observe the route numbers on a sample of buses. The MLE is the largest number that you observe but, in reality, there is no mechanism that will ensure that the bus with the largest route number is in your sample.

What is the difference between a parallegram and a rhombus?

well a parallelogram is like parallel lines when theynever meet up together just like a rhombus. A rhombus is just a square but they say it got hit by a bus, it also has obtuse angles.

How long does it take a bus to go 70 miles?

It depends on its speed which, in turn, will depend on the road conditions, the number of stops, the length of time at each stop, etc.

Trillion big numbers?

What is a big number and what is not depends on the context. A trillion blood cells is a small number, a trillion living organisms on a planet is a small number. On the other hand, a trillion mammals on a planet is a large number.The measurement unit also makes a difference: I prefer to walk a trillion nanometres rather than wait for a bus. And I am more than 2 trillion milliseconds old.

5 girls on a bus every girl has 5 baskets there are 5 cat in each basket and each cat has 5 kittens the bus stops and 3 girls get off how many legs are left on the bus?

A bus doesn't have legs. A bus has wheels.

Related questions

What is the difference between a bus and a coach?

Its the seats that make the difference between a coach and a bus.

What is the difference between a cold and a bus driver?

The difference between a cold and a bus driver is a bus driver has a course to run and a cold has to run its course.

What is the difference between a master bus and a slave bus?


What is the best unit of measurement to measure the length of a bus?

The length of a single bus is best measured in metres.

Length of a bus?

45 feet It varies, but the average length of a school bus is 45ft.

Which unit of measurement would be appropriate to measure the length of a bus?

The 'foot' or the 'meter' would both do nicely.

What's the difference between a tram and a bus?

The difference between a tram and a bus is that a tram is a type of rail vehicle that operates on a street railway whereas a bus is operated on a road and does not rely on electricity.

What are differences between a bus and a register that are present in the CPU?

Major difference between Bus and Register is that B for Bus while R for Register

What is difference between a lorry and a bus?

A lorry transports cargo, a bus transports people.

The difference between 1900th bus and modern buses?

The bus in 1900 is smaller not allowing as much people get on the bus

What is difference between bus tie and bus coupler?

Bus coupler is use to separate the main bus and reserve bus bar while the bus tie is used for paralleling and syncronizing.

What is the difference between bus and train jurrney?

train is good very very good but bus is bad