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Q: What is the measurement of 1 tile?
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What is the standard unit of measurement used for determining the size of a tile?

The standard unit of measurement used for determining the size of a tile is typically in square inches or square centimeters.

How many square feet in 13x13 tile?

It is not possible to answer the question because the units of measurement for the tile are not given.

To order 1x1 tile one wall measurement is 26x42 second measurement is 21x99 third is 13x18 how many square feet of 1x1 tile should you purchase to To order 1x1 tile one wall measurement is 26x42 sec?

1092+2079+234 3405 sq feet What are you tiling? A Warehouse? Most Tile stores The Tile Sop, Virginia Tile, Genesse Tile . will calcalate the square footage needed and the amount of grout and thinset needed. Let them know if you are doing a pattern (diagnal) you then will need more. Always get extra if ya ever have to replace tile in the future, they discontinue tile all the time and then you run into problems.

There is 1 tile on day one 4 tile on day 4 How do you do the math to answer number of tile on day 10?

The problem is: 1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1=10

How many syllables are there in the word tile?

the word tile has 1 syllable

How many 3 x 6 tile will it take to cover 29 sq ft?

It depends on the measurement units used for the tile. 2 tiles of 3 ft x 6 ft will be more than enough.

How can you install tile without grout lines?

No, the grout allows for tile expansion and contractions, without it your tile could crack but there are some tile that can be installed with minimal (1/16inch) grout lines.

How do you get through the 8th gym leader in Pokemon sapphire version?

It is very complicated. so read very carefully. 1st. Go forward 1 tile then over on tile then up 1 tile then over 2 tiles then up 1 tile then over 1 tile then stand on the stairs. 2nd. Go up to the first tile then over 3 tiles then up 2 tiles then over 2 tiles then down 1 tile then over 3 tiles then down 1 tile then over 1 tile then up 2 tiles then over 3 tiles then stand on the stairs. 3rd. Go on the 1st tile then go right to the rock then go up 1 then right 2 then down 1 then over then up 3 then over 2 then down 1 then over 1 then up 1 then over 1 then down 2 then over 2 then down 1 then over 1 then up 1 then over 1 then down 1 then over 1 then up 1 then over left 1 then up 2 then over 1 then down 1 then over 1 then up 1 then over 1 then down 1 then over 1 then up 1 then over 1 then stand on stairs.. Dang that didn't take long did it? There you go now go and defeat Wallace.

How many feet is 12 12 tile?

12" x 12" tile is 1 square foot.

How many square feet is a 6 inch by 24 inch tile?

This tile has an area of 1 ft2.

How many tile 12x12 will i need for 49 sq ft?

12X12=1 Square Foot of tile. You would need 49 Square Feet of tile.

How many inches are around a 1 foot square tile?

Total, there are 48 inches all the way around a 1 foot square tile.