55 gallons = 12705 cubic inches. Assuming you mean a rectangular aquarium, you have infinite choices because volume = length x height x width. so choose 2 of the 3 dimensions and solve for the third since you already know the volume you want. Then if that dimension comes out unacceptabe alter your choice of the first 2 and do it again until you get all 3 dimensions. Example: You would like it to fit on a cabinet with 24 inch x 60 inch of usable space for the aquarium to sit upon. So you need to solve for the height. Get height by itself on one side of the = sign by dividing both sides by length x width. Now you have: volume/(length x width) = height Everything you know is on one side so plug in the numbers to see what the height would be: 12705/(24x60) = 8.8 inches - No, that's too short. So to make it taller you need to make one of the other dimensions shorter. Make the length shorter or the width shorter or some of both. Say you would like the height to be more like 16 inches. That's almost double your first try, so you need to cut one of the other dimensions by almost a half, or each about a quarter. so next you try 18"x45": 12705/(18x45) = 15.7" high.
Most Aquarist use this rule of thumb to put fish in an aquarium, 5 inches of adult fish for every gallon of water in the tank. The five inches only takes in the head and body. Do not use the tail in the measurement.
It holds 160 quarts.
As a very rough estimate, I would suggest 40 gallons!
The fish tank would have a volume of 2 feet3.
You use a tape measure, or similar.
Most Aquarist use this rule of thumb to put fish in an aquarium, 5 inches of adult fish for every gallon of water in the tank. The five inches only takes in the head and body. Do not use the tail in the measurement.
You would use liters or gallons to find the capacity of a fish tank. These units measure volume, which is the amount of space inside the tank that can hold water or other substances.
Yes, you can use centimeters to measure a fish tank. Simply measure the length, width, and height of the tank in centimeters to determine its overall size. This will help you calculate the volume of water the tank can hold and ensure you select the appropriate accessories and fish for the tank.
A hole.
Fish can disappear in a fish tank due to hiding in decorations or plants, being eaten by other fish, or jumping out of the tank.
The official SI unit for volume is the cubic meter, but for a fish tank, I would use liters. One liter is one cubic decimeter (or 1/1000 of a cubic meter).
Well i have 2 tanks running a 55gallon cichlid tank and a 30 gallon cichlid tank.First all you need to do is put the tank where you want it.Then you get the gravel you want for the substrate.You can either boil the gravel or rinse it off good to get rid of gravel dust.Than you put the gravel in the tank.I suggest a pound per gallon.so ifyou have a 55 gallon tank that's 55-60 pounds of gravel.Than you can add decoration to the tank.I suggest you decorate the tank before you add water due too you don't wanna contaminate the fresh water.Then you add water I suggest you use AQua safe to get rid of the Chlorine and to set the Ph to 7.0.Let the filter run for 24hours before you add fish so the filter can cycle the tank.I didnt and my tank is fine and so are the fish as long as the temp and Ph is good.I also suggest you use plastic plants due to fish in the wild eat the live plants.I vaccume my 55gallon tank like once every 2 weeks due to they are bigger cichlids.The normal temp is 76-80 i have mine set at 79 Degrees.Its not hard to keep a freshwater tank running. take peanut butter and spread it
Hold the fish down and throw out of tank
it depends on how big it is if it is a goldfish or beta it can be in a bowl.If it is one of those big tiger fish or aqarium fish then put it in a big tank. A fish will grow to the size of the tank or bowl. For instance, say a goldfish is in a tank, it will not grow as big as the tank; however it will grow big enough to be able to swim in their environment. The fish will not overgrow the tank. I had a six inch goldfish in a thirty gallon tank.
That depends on what you mean to say. For example, if you have one angel fish in the tank you could say "That's the fish's tank" meaning that is the tank for the angel fish. If you also had a couple of clown fish, you could refer to the tank as belonging to all three fish by saying "That's the fishes' tank." Slightly different spelling and punctuation
Yes, but depending on how big you or the tank is.
You would be more likely to measure a fish tank in centimeters because it is typically smaller and requires more precise measurements. A swimming pool, on the other hand, is usually larger and would be measured in meters or feet.