You can make it as large or as small as you want. According to the official specifications, the width should be 1.9 times the height.
Use a protractor.
50 Stars in the American Flag.
June 14th is Flag Day; Betsy Ross completed and hung the American flag.
13 Stars/Stripes on the First American Flag**June 14, 1777 - The Continental Congress passed the first Flag Act stating, "Resolved, That the flag of the United States be made of thirteen stripes, alternate red and white; that the union be thirteen stars, white in a blue field, representing a new Constellation."
The answer is in your question!
American flag is correct.
The American Flag.
American flag
what is the design of the American flag
There is no such thing as the south American flag, the north American flag or the American flag. Countries have flags, not continents.
13 Stripes on the American Flag
The significance of American flag is to show that were the best.
There is no eagle on the American flag.
No you may not iron the American flag.
the American flag = die amerikanische Fahne the American flag = die amerikanische Flagge
No, the Union Flag is the flag of the United Kingdom. The American flag is sometimes known as the Stars and Stripes