Both height and length are linear measurements. The units of measure are the same. Height -- not heighth -- is synonymous with altitude, and can be thought of as the distance above the ground, as in the height of a skyscraper or the height of a tall tree (or any tree, for that matter).
length signifies how long the object is while depth signifies the deepness or height of the object .there is no difference in depth and height of an object
Measurement is simple but measuring width , length and liquid while counting is simple but counting numbers
By measuring it
The measurement of length, width, and height finds the volume of a cube or rectangular prism.
By using measuring instruments.
length signifies how long the object is while depth signifies the deepness or height of the object .there is no difference in depth and height of an object
What is the question?
Measurement is simple but measuring width , length and liquid while counting is simple but counting numbers
By measuring it
It is spun and gives you the weight or height or length.
measuring the height of horses
Those measurements are forms of spatial measurements.
The measurement of length, width, and height finds the volume of a cube or rectangular prism.
By using measuring instruments.