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Q: What is the mechanical advantage of a lever in which the fulcrum is a 10 inches from the resistant and b 40 inches from the effort?
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What is the mechanical advantage of a lever?

The mechanical advantage is when the fulcrum is closer to the effort and creates a advantage

What is a mechanism of a lever?

The mechanical advantage is when the fulcrum is closer to the effort and creates a advantage

What is the mechanical advantage of a first-class lever in which the fulcrum is 10 inches from the resistance and 40 inches from the effort?

answer is 4

What does the machanical advantage of a first-class lever depend apon?

The mechanical advantage of a first-class lever depends on the relative distances between the effort force, the fulcrum, and the resistance force. The mechanical advantage is calculated as the ratio of the distance from the fulcrum to the effort force to the distance from the fulcrum to the resistance force.

How does the position of the fulcrum change the nechanical advantage?

The position of the fulcrum affects the mechanical advantage by changing the ratio of the input force to the output force. Moving the fulcrum closer to the load increases the mechanical advantage, making it easier to lift the load. Conversely, moving the fulcrum closer to the effort force decreases the mechanical advantage, requiring more effort to lift the load.

How does changing the fulcrum position of a lever affect the mechanical advantage of the lever?

Changing the fulcrum position of a lever can affect the mechanical advantage by changing the ratio of the lever arms on either side of the fulcrum. Moving the fulcrum closer to the load will increase the mechanical advantage, making it easier to lift the load. Conversely, moving the fulcrum closer to the effort force will decrease the mechanical advantage, requiring more effort to lift the load.

What happens to the mechanical advantage as you move the effort force closer to the fulcrum?

As you move the effort force closer to the fulcrum, the mechanical advantage decreases. This is because the input force is applied over a shorter lever arm, which reduces the moment arms on both sides of the fulcrum, resulting in a smaller mechanical advantage.

How do you calculate the mechanical advantage of a first class lever?

It's the ratio of the distances effort-fulcrum/load-fulcrum.

What is the relationship between distance from the fulcrum and the mechanical advantage of a first class lever?

In a first class lever, as the distance from the fulcrum to the point where the input force is applied increases, the mechanical advantage also increases. This means that the lever becomes more efficient at moving a load with less effort.

What would increase the mechanical advantage of a first class lever?

Increasing the distance between the effort force and the fulcrum or decreasing the distance between the resistance force and the fulcrum would increase the mechanical advantage of a first-class lever.

When is a mechanical advantage increased by a 1st class lever?

A mechanical advantage is increased in a 1st class lever when the distance from the fulcrum to the point of effort is greater than the distance from the fulcrum to the point of resistance. This allows for less effort to be exerted to move a greater resistance.

How is the mechanical advantage of a lever determined?

The mechanical advantage of a lever is determined by dividing the length of the lever on the effort side (distance from the fulcrum to the point where the effort is applied) by the length on the resistance side (distance from the fulcrum to the point where the resistance is located). This ratio provides insight into how much force is gained or lost when using the lever.