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Place the values in ascending order: 76, 81, 89, 91, 97, 99. There are 2 middle numbers; 89 & 91. The median is the mean of the 2 middle numbers; or (89+91)/2 or 90.

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Q: What is the median of the numbers 81 97 99 89 91 76?
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What is the mean median mode range of 89 76 85 76 77 84?

For median the list needs to be sorted into increasing order, but doing so also helps with the range and mode, so I'll do that first: {89, 76, 85, 76, 77, 84} → {76, 76, 77, 84, 85, 89} Mean: add them up and divide the sum by how many numbers there are: mean = (89 + 76 + 85 + 76 + 77 + 84) / 6 = 81 1/6 ≈ 81.167 Median: middle number when listed in order; if there are an even number of data items, then the median is the mean average of the middle two: There are 6 data items so median is mean average of middle two: median = (77 + 84) / 2 = 80 ½ = 80.5 Mode: the most frequent, it the number which occurs the most often. There can be more than one mode: mode = 76 as there are two of them and only 1 of all the other numbers. Range: the difference between the greatest and least numbers: range = 89 - 76 = 13

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28; when the numbers are arranged in order, the middle one is the median.

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the median is 785

What is median 12 89 16 28 and 76?

It is the middle value of: 12 16 28 76 and 89 which is 28

What is the mean of 99 97 91 89 81 76?

The mean of any set of numbers is the sum of those numbers divided by how many numbers there are. Here, the sum is 99+97+91+89+81+76=533. When you divide 533 by 6 (the total number of numbers), you get 88.83333... repeating forever. In mixed number form, this is 88 and 5/6.

What do you do when a median has 3 same numbers?

Then that number will be the median. For example, if your set is 4, 4, 19, 20, 23, 23, 23, 43, 62, 76 and 89, then the second 23 is the middle number, and so it is the Median.

What is the median of these numbers 82 85 87 89 91 93 96 97?

The median is (89 + 91)/2 = 90

How many numbers are greater than 76 but less than 89?

Twelve numbers exactly are greater than 76 and less than 89.

What is the median of 97 85 92 and 86?

The idea is to sort the numbers, and pick the number in the middle as the median. In cases like this, when you have two numbers in the middle (the size of the set is even), take the average of those two numbers.

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It is 89.

What are the prime numbers between 81 and 100?

The numbers 83, 89 and 97 are prime.

What is the median of 72 89 67 81 75 79 81 80 62 64 83?

median is 79. Write in order; median is middle number: {72, 89, 67, 81, 75, 79, 81, 80, 62, 64, 83} → {62, 64, 67, 72, 75, 79, 80, 81, 81, 83, 89} To find middle number, count the number of data items, add 1 and divide by 2. If this is a whole number, that is the data item which is the median; if it is a fraction, take the mean average of the data items of the positions either side of the fraction (eg if the fraction is 3.5, take the mean average of the 3rd and 4th data items) There are 11 data items → median is (11+1)/2 = 6th data item → median is 79