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Q: What is the medical term meaning originating within an individual?
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What word means originating within an individual?


What is the definition of the medical term intrahepatic?

Intrahepatic means within the liver.situated or occurring within or originating in the liver

What term means originating within another?

The term that refers to originating within another is allogeneic. It is a medical term that is used in transplantation biology.

What is autogenic?

ADJECTIVE:Produced from within; self-generating.Medicine Originating with the individual to which applied: an autogenous graft; an autogenous vaccine

What is the medical term meaning within?

Endocrine is the medical term for secreting within.

What is the Medical term meaning pertaining to within a cell?

The medical term for "pertaining to within a cell" is "intracellular."

What is the medical term meaning secreting within?


What are the medical terminology combining forms meaning within and out of?

Endo- is a combining form meaning within, and exo- is a combining form meaning without.

What is the medical term meaning process of viewing within the body?

-scopy is the medical terminology form meaning process of viewing within the body. Examples are colonoscopy and endoscopy.

What is the medical term meaning bleeding within the muscle tissue?

The medical term for bleeding within the muscle tissue is intramuscular bleeding.

What is the medical term meaning structure within a bone?

The endosteum.

What is the medical term meaning pertaining to within the lumen?

The medical term for pertaining to within the lumen is "intraluminal."