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3.14159265.... it is infinite.


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Q: What is the memory record for pi?
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What is the record for most digits of pi recited from memory?

In 2005, Lu Chao of China set a world record by memorising the first 67,890 digits of Pi

What is the current record of memorization of the decimal places of pi?

In 2005, Lu Chao of China set a world record by reciting the first 67,890 digits of pi from memory.

What is the record for pi?

about 59 000

Can anyone say pi to a million digits?

Not from memory.

Who was the latest pi memory champion?

johnson carter

What is a mneumonic?

A mnemonic is a technique or memory aid designed to help people remember information more easily. It typically involves forming associations or creating a visual or verbal cue to trigger memory recall. Mnemonics can be helpful in learning new concepts, remembering information for exams, or recalling important details.

Why do people memorize digits of pi?

To exercise their memory.

What is the world record for memorizing pi?

530 million

How many digits can you remember in pi?

here is 150 digits of pi by memory; 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494459230781640 628620899862803482534211706798214808651328230664709384460955058223179408128

The new world record for computation of the most digits of pi takes pi out to how many digits?


What is the record for remembering digits of pi?

The current world record for remembering and reciting the most digits of pi is held by Chao Lu from China, who recited 67,890 digits of pi in 2005.

What is the 72 digit of PI?

0 with 3. and 6 without (this is from memory)