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Q: What is the memory space required if two unsigned 8 bit numbers are multiplied?
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Assuming the number holds an unsigned number, the range of numbers for 4 bits is 0-7. 7 is a prime number.

What number system is used to display a memory address?

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In the context of computer memory, an address is used to access the computer's primary storage memory. These addresses consist of fixed-length digits displayed as unsigned integers.

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Is size of class and object in c always same?

An object is simply an instance of a class, thus the sizeof() operator will always return the same size regardless of whether the argument is a class or an instance of the class. But it's not always quite so clear cut. The sizeof() operator does not include the size of static member variables nor does it include any memory that is dynamically allocated and owned by the class. Thus in terms of actual memory consumption, the sizeof() operator can be misleading. The only way to determine the actual consumption is to calculate it yourself. Most of the time the sizeof() operator is sufficient. The nature of object oriented programming is such that individual objects take care of their own memory allocations and clean up behind themselves. The only time we're really concerned with those allocations is when we constantly run out memory, which is usually an indication of poor design. In that event, it can be useful to determine just how much additional memory is actually being consumed by an object. The size of a class or object is determined by the sum of its non-static member variables, plus any required padding (used for memory alignment), plus its virtual table if it has one (applies to derived classes only). This is the value reported by sizeof(). You must then add on the size of any allocations owned by the class or object. Note that this may result in several objects of the same class having completely different sizes, depending on the amount of memory allocated to each of them. If your class also has static member variables, the size of those members may need to be taken into account as well, especially if dynamic memory is allocated to them. Static member variables exist whether an object is instantiated from the class or not, but there is only one instance of each static member, regardless of the number of objects instantiated. In order to make best use of available memory, always declare your class members in descending order of size as this will greatly reduce the amount of padding required. By way of example, consider the example code below. Two classes are declared with the exact same members with a total size of 10 bytes. Class x is a poorly-designed class because char x::a (which is only 1 byte in size) is the first variable declared and therefore must occupy the starting address of the class. int x::b is 4 bytes long so it won't fit in the remaining three bytes, so it is forced onto the next 32-bit boundary, thus wasting three bytes. This is then followed by char x::c which forces int x::d onto yet another 32-bit boundary, wasting another three bytes. Thus 6 bytes are wasted in total. Class y is much more efficient as the two largest members (int y::b and int y::d) are declared first and thus occupy the first 8 bytes with no padding. char y::a then occupies the first byte of the next 32-bit boundary and is immediately followed by char y::c in the next byte. The remaining two bytes cannot be used for any other purpose so the class is padded with those two bytes, thus rounding the class size to the nearest multiple of 4 bytes. Note that although object X is instantiated before object Y, object Y precedes object X in memory. This is simply a result of memory being allocated to the classes from the top down. Once the class is allocated, the members are assigned addresses from the bottom of the allocation up. #include <iostream> class x { public: char a; int b; char c; int d; }; class y { public: int b; int d; char a; char c; }; int main() { x X; y Y; unsigned int Address_X = ( unsigned int ) &X; unsigned int Address_Xa = ( unsigned int ) &X.a; unsigned int Address_Xb = ( unsigned int ) &X.b; unsigned int Address_Xc = ( unsigned int ) &X.c; unsigned int Address_Xd = ( unsigned int ) &X.d; unsigned int Size_X = ( unsigned int ) sizeof(X); unsigned int Size_Xa = ( unsigned int ) sizeof(X.a); unsigned int Size_Xb = ( unsigned int ) sizeof(X.b); unsigned int Size_Xc = ( unsigned int ) sizeof(X.c); unsigned int Size_Xd = ( unsigned int ) sizeof(X.d); unsigned int Address_Y = ( unsigned int ) &Y; unsigned int Address_Ya = ( unsigned int ) &Y.a; unsigned int Address_Yb = ( unsigned int ) &Y.b; unsigned int Address_Yc = ( unsigned int ) &Y.c; unsigned int Address_Yd = ( unsigned int ) &Y.d; unsigned int Size_Y = ( unsigned int ) sizeof(Y); unsigned int Size_Ya = ( unsigned int ) sizeof(Y.a); unsigned int Size_Yb = ( unsigned int ) sizeof(Y.b); unsigned int Size_Yc = ( unsigned int ) sizeof(Y.c); unsigned int Size_Yd = ( unsigned int ) sizeof(Y.d); printf("\nVar\tAddress\t\tSize\tPadding\n" ); printf("X\t0x%.8x\t%u\t%u\n", Address_X, Size_X, Size_X-(Size_Xa + Size_Xb + Size_Xc + Size_Xd)); printf("X.a\t0x%.8x\t%u\t%u\n", Address_Xa, Size_Xa, (Address_Xb - Address_Xa) - Size_Xa); printf("X.b\t0x%.8x\t%u\t%u\n", Address_Xb, Size_Xb, (Address_Xc - Address_Xb) - Size_Xb); printf("X.c\t0x%.8x\t%u\t%u\n", Address_Xc, Size_Xc, (Address_Xd - Address_Xc) - Size_Xc); printf("X.d\t0x%.8x\t%u\t%u\n", Address_Xd, Size_Xd, ((Address_X + Size_X) - Address_Xd) - Size_Xd); printf("\nVar\tAddress\t\tSize\tPadding\n" ); printf("Y\t0x%.8x\t%u\t%u\n", Address_Y, Size_Y, Size_Y - (Size_Ya + Size_Yb + Size_Yc + Size_Yd)); printf("Y.b\t0x%.8x\t%u\t%u\n", Address_Yb, Size_Yb, (Address_Yd - Address_Yb) - Size_Yb); printf("Y.d\t0x%.8x\t%u\t%u\n", Address_Yd, Size_Yd, (Address_Ya - Address_Yd) - Size_Yd); printf("Y.a\t0x%.8x\t%u\t%u\n", Address_Ya, Size_Ya, (Address_Yc - Address_Ya) - Size_Ya); printf("Y.c\t0x%.8x\t%u\t%u\n", Address_Yc, Size_Yc, ((Address_Y + Size_Y) - Address_Yc) - Size_Yc); return(0); } Example Output: VarAddressSizePaddingX0x0018fd7c166X.a0x0018fd7c13X.b0x0018fd8040X.c0x0018fd8413X.d0x0018fd8840 VarAddressSizePaddingY0x0018fd68122Y.b0x0018fd6840Y.d0x0018fd6c40Y.a0x0018fd7010Y.c0x0018fd7112

What is the price of the memory module required to configure your system for maximum memory?


What numbers can you put in the phone?

Telephones now have memory storage. You can generally add many phone numbers to the memory. As to what numbers, add emergency contacts, your friends, and frequently called numbers.

What is char far datatype in c language?

The far memory type may be used for variables and constants. This memory is accessed using 24-bit addresses and may be on-chip or external.For variables, far memory is limited to 16M. Objects are limited to 64K and may not cross a 64K boundary. Variables declared far are located in the HDATA memory class.For constants (ROM variables), far memory is limited to 16M. Objects are limited to 64K and may not cross a 64K boundary. Constant variables declared far are located in the HCONST group.Declare far objects as follows: unsigned char farfar_variable; unsigned char const farfar_const_variable;

How many phone numbers can a person commit to memory?

An average person could commit to memory around 10-15 phone numbers.

Program to perform binary search operations using dynamic memory allocation?

#include<iostream> #include<iomanip> #include<vector> #include<algorithm> #include<random> #include<time.h> void initialise (std::vector<unsigned>& data) { // Pseudo-random number generator (range: 1 to 99). std::default_random_engine generator; generator.seed ((unsigned) time (NULL)); std::uniform_int_distribution<unsigned> distribution (1, 99); data.clear(); unsigned max_elements(50); while (max_elements--) data.push_back (distribution (generator)); } int linear_search(std::vector<unsigned>& data, unsigned value, unsigned& comparisons) { int index(-1); for( comparisons=0; comparisons<data.size() && index<0; ++comparisons) if (data[comparisons] -1) { std::cout << "not found. "; } else { std::cout << "found at index " << binary_index << ". "; } std::cout << "Comparisons: " << binary_comparisons << std::endl; } }