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Q: What is the method of expressing the accuracy of measured quantity?
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A method of expressing the accuracy of measured quantities is?

significant figures.

What is the method of properly expressing measured numbers?

Significant figure

What is the definition of accuracy of measurement?

Accuracy of measurement refers to how close a measured value is to the true or accepted value of the quantity being measured. It reflects the degree of precision and correctness of the measuring instrument or method used. Accuracy is often expressed as a percentage error or deviation from the true value.

A method of expressing a quantity as a number multiplied by 10 to the appropiate power?

Scientific notation

What is a method of expressing of a quantity as a number multiplied by 10 to the appropriate power?

scientific notation

What is the method of expressing the accuracy of measured quantities?

One way is for each measurement to be accompanied by an error bound.For example, height = 1.78 metre (± 0.5 cm). The error could also be given in percentage terms. That is more common with calculated values rather than measured ones.

What is a method of expressing a quantity as a number multiplied by 10 to the appropriate power?

Scientific Notation or Standard Notation or (not USA) Standard Form.

Why several measurements are taken for each quantity during an experiment?

Taking several measurements for each quantity during an experiment helps to reduce errors and improve the accuracy of the results. By averaging multiple measurements, any random fluctuations or outliers can be minimized, providing a more reliable representation of the true value of the quantity being measured. Additionally, repeated measurements can also help assess the precision and consistency of the experimental method.

What is spike method in chemical analysis?

The spike method in chemical analysis involves adding a known quantity of the analyte of interest (spike) to a sample. By analyzing how the spike affects the measured concentration, the accuracy and precision of the analytical method can be determined. This method is commonly used to assess the recovery and matrix effects in samples.

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