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A litre/liter is a metric unit used for measuring volume. A litre equals 1000 millilitres.

The size of a car motor is usually measured in litres. For example 2.0 or 2.5 or 1.8 litres.

So 100 cc's.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

one direction. because they are british. and hot. so is tom daley. and he is also british. so most brits are hot.

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βˆ™ 10y ago

The liter is a metric unit of measure for liquids.

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What is a metric unit for a liter?

The liter (or more properly litre) is a metric unit of volume.

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What is the liter metric unit for?

A metric unit of measure for volume, often liquids.

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A litre is a metric unit. A quart is two pints - an imperial unit.

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The metric equivalent of 1 liter is 1 litre.

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A litre is a metric unit of volume.

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No, a liter is the standard unit of volume in the metric system. If you're looking for the standard unit of mass, it would be the gram.

What is the unit of measer for a liter?

That is like asking, "What is the color of white?" The unit of measure in the metric system for a liter is a liter. Which is why we call it a liter.