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Eduardo Dickinson

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Q: What is the mid value of a class interval called?
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What is the mid point of a frequency?

The midpoint of a frequency distribution is the value that divides the distribution into two equal parts. It is calculated by adding the lower and upper limits of a class interval and dividing the sum by 2.

What is the class mark of 90-110 group?


What is the sum of the product of the frequencies and the square of the class marks (ΣfX²60,55,40,48,52,36,50?

Step 1: Find the midpoint of each interval. Step 2: Multiply the frequency of each interval by its mid-point. Step 3: Get the sum of all the frequencies (f) and the sum of all the fx. Divide 'sum of fx' by 'sum of f ' to get the mean. Determine the class boundaries by subtracting 0.5 from the lower class limit and by adding 0.5 to the upper class limit. Draw a tally mark next to each class for each value that is contained within that class. Count the tally marks to determine the frequency of each class. What is this? The class interval is the difference between the upper class limit and the lower class limit. For example, the size of the class interval for the first class is 30 – 21 = 9. Similarly, the size of the class interval for the second class is 40 – 31 = 9.

What is the mid interval of 30-39?


Why the median changes by changing the size of class intervals in frequency ditribution?

Because median is the mid of the class intervals. Therefore, it is a positional measurement. Hence, if the size of class interval increases or decreases then the middle position will also increase or decrease and thus median.

HOW DO YOU calculate mean mark by taking mid interval values?

That thing

How do you calculate mean for open end class interval?

In case of open end classes, mean can be calculated only if their class marks (Mid-Points) are determined. If such classes contain a large proportion of the values, then the mean may be subjected to substantial error.

What is the logic for binary search in masm 8086 program?

Take the mid value of the no. of inputs. If the key is greater than the mid value then add the mid value and the last value; then divide by two. Again check the middle value for the key and keep repeating this until you find the key. If key is smaller than the mid value. Add the first value to the mid value and divide by two. You will find the new mid value to compare and check for the key. Loop it until you get the key location.

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Both median and mode are the statistics formulas, Median is called mid value of the given data and mode is the value which occure repetedly in the given data.

What is mid level design?

Mid level design is related to class diagrams. It is usually static.

Datesheet of class 9th?

i think that exams of class 9th will start in mid of september