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Q: What is the minimum and maximum temperature a human can survive in?
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How long could a human survive on earth?

humans can survive for at least 100 years minimum 50 maximum 150

What is the hottest temperature you can work in?

There is no minimum or maximum temperature that you can legally work in. If you have any complaints, you can contact OSHA or go to your employer or human resources to complain.

What is the hottest temperature you can legally work in?

There is no specific maximum temperature set by law, but it is recommended that temperatures in indoor workplaces should be at least 60-86°F (16-30°C) for sedentary work. Employers are required to provide a safe working environment, including measures to prevent heat stress in extreme temperatures.

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It needs the human bodies temperature to survive.

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Minimum percent of oxygen level for human life to survive?

The minimum percentage of oxygen required for human life to survive is around 16-17%. If the oxygen level drops below this, it can lead to hypoxia, which can be life-threatening if not addressed promptly.

How much maximum to minimum water need a day?

a human needs 8 to12 glasses in a day .

What is the highest body temperature at which a human can survive?

Typically, the highest body temperature a human can survive is around 108-109 degrees Fahrenheit. Temperatures above this can result in severe heat stroke and organ damage, leading to death if not treated promptly.

Why can't a human stand on Jupiter?

Jupiter's gravity is too much for a human to stand. And they could not survive the temperature or atmosphere either.

What was the lowest internal body temperature ever recorded in human being who went to survive?

53 F

Could a human survive in absolute zero?

No, a human would not be able to survive in absolute zero conditions. Absolute zero is the lowest possible temperature where molecular motion ceases, which would lead to rapid cell death and tissue damage in a human body.