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Q: What is the minimum number of nodes in a binary tree with 3 levels?
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What is the Number of possible binary trees with 3 nodes?

The number of branches is 8.

What is the number of nodes of degree 2 in binary tree which has n leaf nodes?

Ne=N2+1Here Ne=no. of leaf nodesN2= no. of nodes of degree 2

Definition of almost complete binary tree?

A complete binary tree is a binary tree in which every level, except possibly the last, is completely filled, and all nodes are as far left as possible.

Determine whether or not the network is traversable?

"The rule to find whether a network is traversable or not is by looking at points called nodes. Nodes are places where two or more lines meet. On these networks, the nodes are clearly shown by the black points in the diagrams. Now you are probably wondering what this has to do with the network being traversable or not. The node either would have an odd or even number of lines connected to it. Do not count the nodes with an even number of lines connected to it. Count the number of nodes with an odd number of lines connected to it. If there are no odd nodes or if there are two odd nodes, that means that the network it traversable. Networks with only two odd nodes are in a traversable path and networks with no odd nodes are in a traversable circuit."

How much pairs for 6 nodes using formula?

To determine the number of pairs for 6 nodes using a formula, you can use combination formula. In this case, the formula would be nC2, where n represents the number of nodes. Substituting n=6, the formula becomes 6C2, which is equal to 15. Therefore, there would be 15 pairs of nodes for 6 total nodes.

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What is the minimum number of nodes in a binary tree of depth k?

if u assign a 0th level to root of binary tree then,the minimum no. of nodes for depth K is k+1.

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Minimum number of nodes in a full binary tree with depth 3?


What is the minimum number of nodes in a full binary tree with depth 3?

A full binary tree of depth 3 has at least 4 nodes. That is; 1 root, 2 children and at least 1 grandchild. The maximum is 7 nodes (4 grandchildren).

What is the number of nodes in a complete binary tree of level 5?

If the number of levels is L, the maximum number of nodes N in a binary tree is N = 2L-1. For L = 5, N equates to 31 thus.

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What is the height of a complete binary tree of height h have?

Minimum is h nodes (Maximum is 2h+1 - 1 nodes, if tree consisting of only one node is considered to have height of 0. if you consider a tree with one node to be a height of one, then the minimum nodes is (2^(h-1)) 1 nodes. Minimum number of nodes in a binary tree of height is 2h+1. For example, if the height of the binary tree is 3, minimum number of nodes is 2*3+1=7.

What is the minimum no of nodes in a complete binary tree of height h?


The height of Complete Binary tree is in terms of :option1. n2. logn3. n^2?

The height of a complete binary tree is in terms of log(n) where n is the number of nodes in the tree. The height of a complete binary tree is the maximum number of edges from the root to a leaf, and in a complete binary tree, the number of leaf nodes is equal to the number of internal nodes plus 1. Since the number of leaf nodes in a complete binary tree is equal to 2^h where h is the height of the tree, we can use log2 to find the height of a complete binary tree in terms of the number of nodes.

Count the number of nodes of a binary tree having depth n?

Use the following formula: (2^n)-1. E.g., if the depth is 3, the number of nodes is (2^3)-1 = 8-1 = 7. Note that 7 is the maximum number of nodes, not the actual number of nodes. To count the actual nodes you must traverse the tree, updating an accumulator as you go.

Number of possible binary tree with 3 nodes is?