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5ft. (1.5 m)

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Q: What is the minimum vertical distance you must maintain between the midpoints of the transmit and receive antennas?
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What body part of the ants enables them to transmit or pass on message to another?

antennas or feelers

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Does a Space Telescope have an antenna?

Yes. Space telescopes require many radio antennas to transmit their observations back to Earth.

Which brand of antenna is best?

Omnidirectional is the best brand for antennas because its ideal for high gain and wide coverage. They transmit or receive effectively in every direction.

WiMax the IEEE 802.16 standard can transmit up to a distance of?

31 miles.

What are the uses of antenna?

A transmit antenna sends radio energy from an electronic circuit into space. A receive antenna captures radio energy from space and connects it to an electronic circuit. Most people own several antennas, for example in transistor radios, mobile phones, keyfobs for locking the car, television satellite dishes or antennas on chimneys.

Does Neuroglia transmit nerve impulses?

No, neuroglia do not transmit nerve impulses. Neuroglia are support cells of the nervous system that help to nourish, protect, and maintain the environment of neurons. Nerve impulses are transmitted by neurons.

What happens when Turning up the transmit power or utilizing a high-gain antenna to reach wireless users from a distance increases your exposure to what?

Increasing transmit power or using high-gain antennas to reach wireless users at a distance can increase your exposure to electromagnetic radiation. This can potentially pose health risks due to prolonged exposure to radiofrequency fields. It is important to balance the need for coverage with the potential health concerns and ensure compliance with regulatory limits established for safe exposure levels.

How do satallites get signals from earth?

Satellites receive signals from Earth using antennas that are pointed towards the ground. The signals are sent from ground stations and relayed to the satellite. The satellite then processes the signal and can transmit it back to Earth or to another satellite.

Which of the following cable types can transmit data the LONGEST distance without the use of a repeater?

fiber optic

How do your senses help you maintain homostasis?

Receptors pick up changes in touch, pressure, and temperature and transmit impulses into the brain and spinal cord. The body responds to protect itself or maintain homeostasis

How do your senses help you maintain homeostasis?

receptors pick up changes in touch, pressure, and temperature and transmit impulses into the brain and spinal cord. The body responds to protect itself or maintain homeostasis