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Q: What is the missing number to 9 times 5 (5 times 5) ( times 5)?
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If I understand it correctly, that means you should solve the following equation: (5 + 9 + 12 + x) / 4 = 9

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The number is 45. The sum of its digits i.e. 4+5=9 Five times the sum of its digits i.e. 5 times 9 which is 45

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13168? hmm too short to know for sure. But there is a pattern I found. For the first number the difference from 2 and 0 is 2. So you times the difference by 2 (the number) and then add 1 to get 5. For the second number the difference from 5 and 2 is 3. So you times 3 (the difference) by 5 the number and then subtract 1 to get 14. For the third number the difference from 14 and 5 is 9. So 9 times 14 and then you subtract 4 to get 122. So, for the next number you would take the difference from 122 and 14 which is 108, then times that by 122 and get 13176, then following the pattern of (1, -1, -4) you would subtract 13176 by 8 to get 13168.

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There is nothing missing here. If you are asking what end numbers are are missing in the front is 6 and in the very back is 9.

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9*(n+5) = 9n +9*5 = 9n + 45