As the numerator (6) is less than the denominator (39) it is a proper fraction.
A mixed number is an alternative way of writing an improper fraction which is a fraction with a numerator larger than the denominator: the numerator is divided by the denominator to get a whole quotient and a remainder: the quotient is the whole number and the remainder is the numerator, eg 11/4 � 11 ÷ 4 = 2 r 3 � 11/4 = 2 3/4
The fraction 6/39 can, however, be SIMPLIFIED as there is a common factor other than 1 between the numerator and denominator:
6/39 = (3x2)/(3x13) = 2/13
43 over 6 as a mixed number = 71/6
55 over 6 as a mixed number is 91/6
34 over 6 as a mixed number is: 52/3
32 over 6 as a mixed number is 51/3
The mixed number of 45 over 6 is 71/2
39/6= 6.5====So,6 and 1/2=========Mixed number.
To convert an improper fraction into a mixed number, divide the numerator (top number) by the denominator (bottom number) to give a whole number and a remainder. Write the whole number and put the remainder over the original denominator after it: 39 ÷ 6 = 6 r 3 => 39/6 = 63/6 = 61/2
The mixed number of 31 over 6 is 51/6
43 over 6 as a mixed number = 71/6
55 over 6 as a mixed number is 91/6
34 over 6 as a mixed number is: 52/3
45 over 6 in a mixed number = 71/2
32 over 6 as a mixed number is 51/3
The mixed number of 45 over 6 is 71/2
45 over 6 as a mixed number = 71/2
The mixed number for 45 over 6 is 71/2
24/6 simplified is 4. There is no mixed number for the 24 over 6.