17 divided by 8 is 2 with a remainder of 1, so it is 2 1/8
A mixed number is nothing more than a number that includes a whole number and a fraction. To determine the whole number divide the bottom (denominator) into the top number (numerator). In this case we divide eight into eleven. We get 1 and a remainder of 3. The 1 becomes the whole number, and the remainder (3) becomes the new numerator of the mixed number. 11/8 = 1 3/8
Change it into a mixed number: by dividing the denominator by the numerator and the whole number is your whole in your mixed number, the remainder (if there is a remainder) is your numerator and your denominator is your original denominator Hint: Denominator ALWAYS stays the same!! Example: 10 ___ 8 Divide them _1 r 2_ 8 l 10 The whole number (1) is your whole number in your mixed number 1 _2__ 8 <--------Denominator ALWAYS stays the same!!
4 and 1/8 is a mixed number.
Eight goes into 26 3 times, with a remainder of 2. (8 x 3 = 24. + 2 = 26) Therefore the mixed number will equal 3 2/8 which can be simplified to 3 1/4.
17 divided by 8 is 2 with a remainder of 1, so it is 2 1/8
To find the mixed number you need to first divide to find the quotient and remainder. So 71 over 8 has a quotient of 8 and remainder 7. So the general way of writing a mixed number is dividend over divisor = quotient (remainder over divisor) dividend/divisor = quotient remainder/divisor) So 71 over 8 = 8 7/8.
A mixed number is nothing more than a number that includes a whole number and a fraction. To determine the whole number divide the bottom (denominator) into the top number (numerator). In this case we divide eight into eleven. We get 1 and a remainder of 3. The 1 becomes the whole number, and the remainder (3) becomes the new numerator of the mixed number. 11/8 = 1 3/8
Eight goes into 13 once, with a remainder of five, so the answer is 1 5/8.
Change it into a mixed number: by dividing the denominator by the numerator and the whole number is your whole in your mixed number, the remainder (if there is a remainder) is your numerator and your denominator is your original denominator Hint: Denominator ALWAYS stays the same!! Example: 10 ___ 8 Divide them _1 r 2_ 8 l 10 The whole number (1) is your whole number in your mixed number 1 _2__ 8 <--------Denominator ALWAYS stays the same!!
The mixed number is 11/8.
4 and 1/8 is a mixed number.
1 and 2/3 to find a mixed # just divide the numerator by the denomonator and put the remainder as the numerator over the denominator
Divide the numerator by the denominator. The largest integer quotient is the whole number , the remainder is the numerator , and you use the same denominator. Examples 15/7 = 2 plus remainder 1 = 2 1/7 32/30 = 1 plus remainder 2 = 1 2/30 = 1 1/15
4 and 1/8 is a mixed number.
'8/6' Since both numbers have '2' as a factor cancel down by '2'. #Hence 8/6 = 4/3 Two reduce to a mixed number Divide '4' by '3' . The answer is '1' and 1 remainder. So it is written as 1 1/3 ; The Answer.
41/8 as a mixed number is 5 1/8.