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If no two numbers are alike, then there is no mode. The mode is none.

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Q: What is the mode if no two number are alike?
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How do you find the mode when there s two?

The mode can be more than one number

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The mode is the average of the middle two, listed least to greatest.

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Whichever number occurs the most in a set is the mode. If two numbers are both the greatest, then they both are the mode.

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they both can go into a defensive mode

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They can all be represented by ratios of two integers.

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You find the number in between the two modes. It could be a decimal.

Write a C plus plus to find median and mode of a number?

The median and mode of any number is the same number. The mode of 5 is 5, as is the median of 5. In other words, you need two or more numbers to determine the median and mode of those numbers.

How do you find a mode if 2 numbers appear the same number of times?

There are two modes. The mode is the only measure of central tendency where you can have no mode (no number appears more than another), one mode, or several modes, such as in your case.

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they both can go into a defensive mode

What is the smallest seven-digit number with no two digits alike?

-9876543 or, if only positive number are permitted, 1023456.