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Q: What is the mode of this data set64 76 46 88 88 43 99 50 55?
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What is the mode for 64 76 76 46 88 88 43 99 50 55?

The mode is the number(s) which occurs the most. This is 76 and 88 in this case it is possible to have 2 modes of the same data set

What is the mode for 43 46 52 54 55 56 61 62 64 69?

All the numbers appear once, so there is no mode, as the mode is the most commonly occurring number.

What is 43 over 46 in simplest form?

43/46 is in its simplest form.

What is the LCM of 46 43 and 23?

LCM(46, 43, 23) = 1978.

What is the mode of this data 56 72 56 92 46?

56. It appears twice, all the others only once.

46 45 43 40 36?

Answer: 31 46, 45, 43, 40, 36 46-1=4545-2=43 43-3=40 40-4=3636-5=31

What is the mean median mode and range of 46 35 23 37 29 53 43?

Mean = Sum of values/Number of values = (46+35+...+43)/7 = 266/7 = 38 Median = Value in middle ie 4th position of ordered values = 37 Mode = Each of the seven values (some would say none). Range = Maximum - Minimum = 53 - 23 = 30

Would the mode change if a 76 was added to the date 64 76 46 88 88 43 99 50 55?

yes you would have two modes in the question

Would the mode change if you added 76 to 64 76 46 88 88 43 99 50 and55?

Type your answer here... yes it would be 76 and 88

What is the median of 47 29 53 46 43 32?


How could JFK be 46 when he became President?

He wasn't 46 when he was elected; he was 43. He was 46 when he was killed.