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Q: What is the monthly interest rate if the annual interest rate on a credit card is 21 percent?
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Calculate the annual interest rate on a credit card if the monthly interest is 1.2 percent?


Calculate the monthly interest rate on a credit card that charges 18 percent annual interest?

1.5 or 1.50

Calculate the annual interest rate on a credit card if the monthly interest rate is 1.2.?

14.4 %. A+

If Cameron has a 21 annual interest rate on his credit card what is his monthly interest rateAsk us anything?

1.75%. A+

Calculate the annual interest rate on a credit card if the monthly interest rate is 1.2 percent?

That's an effective annual rate of 15.39%, thanks to the magic of compound interest (simple multiplication gives 14.4%, but this neglects the fact that if you don't pay it off each month you wind up paying interest on interest).

What is the monthly interest payment on 30 thousand dollars borrowed against a credit card with 30.0 percent apr?

$750 / month in interest rates.

If during a given month your average daily credit card balance is 800 and your interest rate is 17 percent how much interest do you owe on your credit card for that month?

At 17%... you would pay 136 in interest at the end of the month in addition to the 800 outstanding. UNLESS you mean an ANNUAL rate of 17% - in which case the monthly interest payable would be 11.33

Why would you want a credit card with no annual fee but a high interest rate?

You wouldn't want a high interest rate, necessarily. However, if you had a choice between a credit card with an annual fee and one without, you would need to see how the interest rates compared. A person with a very low level of debt, such as one who paid out the credit card balance monthly, the high interest rate might not be a deciding factor compared to the annual fee. Remember, the annual fee will also have interest charged on it.

What is the monthly interest payment on 10 thousand dollars borrowed against a credit card with 19.9 percent APR?

Your monthly payment, assuming you have quoted the interest rate correctly, should be $165.83 if you pay this off in one year (12 monthly payments)

Many credit card companie offer low introductory rates of 5.4 percent annual interest what would be the annual finance charge on a balance of 459.29?


Why should someone get a nationwide credit card?

The two main benefits I could think of is that it has a low monthly interest rate. The other benefit is that there is no annual fee, you need good credit though.

How do you calculate the monthly interest rate of a credit card if the annual rate is 18 percent?

It is 100*[(1+18/100)^(1/12) - 1] % = 100*[(1.18)^(1/12) - 1] % = 100*[1.01389 - 1] % = 100*[0.01389] = 1.389 %