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Death rate, crude > per 1,000 people 4.92 per 1,000 people ... [163rd of 195] rate, adult, female > per 1,000 female adults 115.76 per 1,000 female adults ... [95th of 185] rate, adult, male > per 1,000 male adults 169.44 per 1,000 male adults ... [110th of 185] rate, infant > per 1,000 live births 25 per 1,000 live births ... [89th of 187] rate, under-5 > per 1,000 33 per 1,000 ... [84th of 187]

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Q: What is the mortality rate and morbidity rate of the Philippines year 2006?
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As of latest data, the mortality rate in the Philippines is around 6 deaths per 1,000 people, while the morbidity rate varies depending on the specific disease or condition being considered (e.g., for COVID-19, it may be calculated as the number of cases per 100,000 population). It's important to note that these rates are subject to change based on various factors such as healthcare access, disease outbreaks, and public health interventions.

What was the infant mortality rate in the Philippines in 2006?

According to the National Statistics Office of the Philippines, Infant Mortality Rate in the country in 2006 was 24 per 1,000 live births.

What was the infant mortality rate of the Philippines in 2006?

According to the National Statistics Office of the Philippines, infant mortality rate in the country in 2006 was 24 per 1,000 live births.

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What is the mortality rate in the Philippines?

The mortality rate of the Philippines is 4.92 in 2014.

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The answer will depend on which country's census the question is about. You ought to be aware that morbidity and mortality rates are not the same across all countries.

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Mortality refers to the number of deaths in a population, often expressed as a rate. Morbidity, on the other hand, refers to the prevalence of disease or illness within a population, regardless of outcome. In simpler terms, mortality is about deaths, while morbidity is about sickness or disease.

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