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Q: What is the mortality rate of India in 2011 census?
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What is the Current Maternal Mortality rate in India in 2011 census?

In 2010, the maternal mortality rate was 200 deaths per 100,000 live births.

What is the Current Maternal Mortality rate of India in 2011 Census?

pregnancy rate in india varies from state to state. Average child in tamil nadu is 1.8 per couple but replacement rate in india 2.1 per couples.

What is the morbidity and mortality rate of 2011 census?

The answer will depend on which country's census the question is about. You ought to be aware that morbidity and mortality rates are not the same across all countries.

What is the average literacy rate of India?

According to the census 2011 average literacy rate of India is 74.04 percent.

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What was India's pqli in 2011?

PQLI stands for Physical Quality of Life Index, which factors in life expectancy, infant mortality and literacy rate. India's PQLI in 2011 was 42.

What is the current morbidity rate in India?

In India the mortality rate is 8.28 deaths/1,000 population in 2005. The infant mortality rate is a total of 56 deaths per 1000 live births.

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The under five year old child mortality rate of the Philippines is 25.40 in 2011.

What is the infant mortality rate 2009 per 1000 lives birth for India as per the latest sample registration survey report released sometime back by the census office at new delhi?


What is India's infant mortality rate in 1999?

44/1000 population

Which state in india has lowest literacy rate?

Bihar... and Kerala is the most literate state

Can you use infant mortality in a sentence?

"Infant mortality rates are high in India" "The infant mortality rate is 2 out of every 1000 live births"