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Q: What is the most accurate drfinition of pi that has been physically proven?
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many people say that it is, yet, it has been proven inaccurate on many occasions.

How do most women judge men?

By the deepness of our voice, during puberty the amount of testosterone you have affect your body. The more you have the deeper your voice and the more "beautiful you are". The less you have the higher your voice and your not as physically attractive. It has been proven by science but is not 100% accurate because there are some exceptions. This is just basic knowledge and isn't in depth because each girl is attracted to different things except the voice which is proven by science

What is a proven truth?

A proven truth is a fact or statement that has been verified through evidence, data, or logical reasoning. It is something that is widely accepted as accurate and reliable based on scientific, historical, or empirical research.

Is it correct to say you have never proved?

It would be more accurate to say "you have never been proven."

If phrenology had been proven to be accurate how might it have been used to predict human behavior?

If phrenology had been proven accurate, it could have potentially been used to predict behavior by analyzing the shape and contours of a person's skull. Different regions of the brain were believed to be responsible for specific traits or characteristics, so an individual's behavior could have been attributed to the size or prominence of those corresponding areas on their skull. This could have led to the classification and profiling of individuals based on their supposed innate qualities or predispositions.

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The family life of Richard Wallace is not well known. There is limited information about his parents, and what information that is available has not been proven to be accurate.

What does it mean if a scientist fails to rejects a hypothesis?

the hypothesis has not been proven wrong.

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About 68 miracles have been proven.

Is this bipartisanship historically always respected during American presedential election?

While there have been many accusations of vote fraud, generally there have been few proven cases where the people in charge of elections did not give a true and accurate count. There have been a small number of cases where election officials were proven to have created votes for one candidate or destroyed votes for one.

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There has never been a recorded instance of an earthquake prediction having been proven accurate. Often times, however, stories claiming this to be the case arise after earthquakes (or other natural disasters).

Can you ask the state police to administer a poloygragh test if you have been accused of something?

You can ask but they do not have to administer one, Polygraphs are still not proven to be 100% accurate and therefore do not always hold up in court.

Where is a lot of werewolves?

yes there do it has been proven and vampires do to EDIT: cool its been proven 8) EDIT: then were is the proof?