The stock exchange index is a relative measure of the performance of all or a number of stocks that are traded on a stock exchange. it incorporates the return on stocks, their volumes traded and the shares outstanding. there can be a number of indices relating to a single stock exchange that incorporates the returns on a number of companies. they can also be differentiated on the basis of the return on different industries.
There can be no comparison. The acronym mgd stands for millions of gallons per day, which is a measure of flow. The acronym mcum stands for million cubic metres but that can be per a day, a year or a million years! It is a measure of stock, not a flow and so any attempt to relate the two is fundamentally flawed.
A stock market place or a stock company
The basic definition says "The stock price is calculated by subtracting the dividends of a certain stock from the company's net income, and then dividing that number by the number of outstanding shares ." but there are other factors like demand and supply of stock in market which affect stock price.
Remi means second stock of a beef. The first stock is called Beef Stock.
Use a tall measuring cup
Most countries make and use chicken stock. Most cooks have made and used chicken stock.
Tagalog translation of CHICKEN STOCK: - sabaw ng manok
There are about 5 ml of chicken stock are in a gram.
Yes, you can substitute chicken broth for turkey stock as the two are similar in taste. This would work better than substituting with vegetable or beef stock.
That depends upon what you are making. If you are making chicken soup, you can use actual chicken instead of a chicken stock cube.
The chicken used to make the stock has released chicken fat into the stock during the cooking process, this is normal, all you need to do is skim of the fat or oil from the surface of the stock with a spoon and chuck it away. It will not harm the stock.
Chicken Stock can be used effectively instead of chicken broth. You will get a similar taste.
You get chish stock.
Probably chicken stock.
Chicken broth