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Q: What is the most basic function in a family of functions?
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What are the functions which family as an institution performs?

Yes, you have rightly categorised that family an 'Instiution'. Family is the basic and grass root level institution and all the members expected to function. The functions are not to be identified and separated, unity is the ultimate answer. Without unity, the family has no meaning and nothing to function. The family as an Institution expected to perform understanding, love for each other and above all unity. When you understand the value of this, every person performs their family needs and forms a unified strength. This strength keeps the family bond together and is the basic lesson for all the people in this world to observe. I consider this as the most needed function for a family as an Institution. I am sure that you could understand the value and wish to be functioning in your family as an Institution.

What is affection function?

The affective function most basic responsibility is to form our personalities and meet our psychosocial needs. Through fulfillment of the affective function, the family is able to create stable personalities, enhance society, and create self-esteem of the family members (Friedman, Bowen, & Jones, 2003).

What are the functions of the sewing machine?

The basic function that most sewing machines share is sewing fabric together with straight stitches. Some machines have more stitches and patterns available to sew. Some machines have automatic needle threading, and start/stop button functions.

Which function of management is CVP analysis most applicable?

Without knowing what the functions are there is not a way to know which is most applicable. It is important to also include what the functions are.

What is the most important function of Excel?

For me the math functions and totaling columns of numbers

Which line has no endpoint and goes on forever?

A line representing any polynomial function, power function (including negative powers), trigonometric functions, most continuous probability distribution functions.

Is learning done separate from the other functions of the brain?

I'll offer a basic beginning answer that more expert people can elaborate on. There are lower and higher functions of the brain, and as you can imagine the whole picture is very complex. Some of the basic functions of the nervous system don't even get to the brain for processing. If you accidentally touch something very hot, your reflexive action of pulling away happens completely between your hand and your spinal column. Other basic brain functions are taken care of in the brain stem, one of the most primitive parts of our brains. Regulation of various bodily functions happen here, along with basic instinctive reactions of 'fight or flight', I believe. Learning is a higher function of our brains and occurs probably in the cortex most of the time.

What is the most basic function of energy?

It provides matter with the ability to move.

When do police officers have the most interaction with the public?

Whilst performing basic patrol functions.

Is the main function in C a built-in function or user-defined function?

The main function in C is user-defined. Built-in functions are simply those that do not require a library to be included, but every program must provide a user-defined point of entry; it cannot be built-in. Indeed, most functions in C are user-defined; the built-in functions are mostly operators rather than functions although most do behave like functions. The standard library functions are not built-in either; they all require the inclusion of the appropriate standard library header.

What are prewritten formulas that test for specific conditions referred to as criteria?

They are logical functions, the most common one being the IF function.