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Q: What is the most common mode of transporting detainess?
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How do you work out the mode?

mode is the most common

What is the most common number of group of numbers?

It is called the mode. An easy way to remember it is: most common-mode.

How do you find the mode in a math problem?

Mode: The number appearing the most common/often Example: 1, 2,3,1,1,1,5,6,7,9,12,45,68,11,1,1,1 what us the mode here? The mode is 1, it appears the most common here.

How do you do mode in math?

Mode: The number appearing the most common/often Example: 1, 2,3,1,1,1,5,6,7,9,12,45,68,11,1,1,1 what us the mode here? The mode is 1, it appears the most common here. P.S. (pancakes are awesome)

What is the most common mode of transport?


What is a mode on a graph?

the most common number

How do you solve a mode?

mode is the most common number in a set. for example: 4,5,6,8,42,87,65,2,8,6,4,4,8,9,8 8 would be the mode

What is mode in a data set?

Mode is the most common number in a set of data If there are more than one most common number write them all

What does mode mean in maths terms?

the mode is the most common number for example 89,56,78,8,32,64,8 8 would be the mode you get it cause its the most common In math, mode means most used. So if you see a chart graph and you see some number that is the highest used, then that number would be the mode.

What does mode mean in math terms?

the mode is the most common number for example 89,56,78,8,32,64,8 8 would be the mode you get it cause its the most common In math, mode means most used. So if you see a chart graph and you see some number that is the highest used, then that number would be the mode.

How do you find the mode if there isn't a most common number?

There can be more than one mode.

What is the most common member of a set of data?

The mode