

Best Answer

The top five most commonly nouns used in English are:

  1. time
  2. year
  3. people
  4. way
  5. day

The source given for this list is Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA).

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Q: What is the most common noun in the English language?
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The noun 'English' is a proper noun as the name of a specific people and a specific language. The noun 'English' is a concrete, uncountable noun as a word for the people of England. The noun 'English' is an abstract, uncountable noun as a word for a language. The word 'English' is also a proper adjective, a word that describes a noun as of or from England.

Is English a common noun?

No, the word 'English' is a proper noun, a word for a person of or from England; a word for the language of England.The word 'English' is also a proper adjective, a word used to describe someone or something of or from England.When a noun or an adjective is based on a proper noun, they are a proper noun and a proper adjective.

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Why isn't the in the dictionary?

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Is happily a abstract noun?

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