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Q: What is the most commonly used system of judicial selection?
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In the georgia judicial system the court most likely to hear an appeal from the juvenile court is the?

In the Georgian judicial system, the court most likely to hear an appeal from the juvenile court is the State Court of Appeals.

How do you get elected to be part of the judicial branch?

Most members of the judicial branch are not elected. In the federal judicial system, the judges are appointed by the President of the United States and approved by Congress. A majority of states share this system, except the judge would be appointed by the governor.

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State Circuit Court.

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The acronym SFAS can stand for many things. Some of the most commonly used are: Special Forces Assessment and Selection, Safety Features Actuation System, and Student Financial Aid Services.

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what is the first and largest category in the classifiction system most commonly used today?

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by interpreting state laws in different ways

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