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For normal dice, and assuming "combined" refers to the sum, the answer is 7.

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Q: What is the most likely combined score when throwing two dice?
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Do you have more of a chance to roll a six with one die thrown twice or two dice thrown together?

You have more chance with two dice rolled together ! The Probability of throwing a six with one dice is 1/6. The probability of throwing one six with two dice is 2/6 or 1/3. You're twice as likely to score a six if you're throwing two dice.

Is a dice fair if you throw it 600 times and score six 200 times?

Nope - the odds of throwing a six with a single dice - 6:1. For 600 throws with an evenly balanced dice, you should only score a six an average of 100 times.

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Do you place dice? It is a game of chance. Throwing dice will give you a score. It has consequences.No dice means nothing happens. It has not been thrown. There is no chance at all.

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Do you get another go if you get a double?

In certain board games, using two dice, throwing a double six allows you have an extra go of throwing the dice.

What is te probability of throwing a 6 on a dice?

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What is the probability of throwing a 2 on a dice?

1 out of 6

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(1 in 6)2 or (1 in 36)

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