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Q: What is the most question typed in today?
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I typed it in like you have typed in the question.

Why do you have to type this paper?

That is a question to ask the person who assigned the typed paper. In most cases a typed paper is more legible and therefore easier to read for someone who has many to read; or it may have been assigned as typed to give you some practice learning to type, a skill that is very valuable in today's society. Perhaps for both of these reasons or perhaps for another reason. Only the person who gave the assignment can tell you.

Is it raining in Chattanooga today?

Yes, somewhere in the world it is raining on whatever day you typed this question.

Is the answer that was typed to the question Why am I asking a question?

Yes. But what if I'm lying?

Is the answer that was typed to the question Why am I asking a question correct?

Yes. But what if I'm lying?

What is a snotsicle?

whoever typed in this question is sooo lame.

5What is the circumference of the Earth?

the question is typed wrong

Is this a voice data fax modem?

No, it is a typed question

How do you conserve a gold?

Your question is fully typed or there was an error.

How much mney do people spend on TVs?

you typed the question wrong. I am unable to answer your question.

What food is most popular in US?

Well i just typed the question on google and the first thing it came up with was fried chicken :P

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if you typed that question then you already know the answer