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Q: What is the most reasonable estimate for the height of a two story house?
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What is the average of height of a 2 story house?

twenty feet,not including the roof height p' /p;

What is average eve height of 2 story house?

87 ft

What is the height of a 4 story building?

A 4 story building is generally around 40 feet. Ten feet is the common estimate for a story in a building.

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how many meters is a 32 story building?

The height of a story in a building can vary depending on factors such as architectural design, floor-to-ceiling height, and local building regulations. However, on average, a rough estimate for the height of one story in a commercial building is around 3 to 4 meters. Using this estimate, a 32-story building would be approximately 96 to 128 meters tall. Please note that this is a general approximation, and the actual height may differ depending on specific factors related to the building in question.

What is the average height of a roof on a 2 story house?

1.59 meters... approx 5' 2.5 feet

How high is a three story house?

Each "story" would average around 9-10 feet, possibly more. Add the height that the structure starts out of the ground, and add the height of the roof (which can vary significantly).

What height is an average house in metres?

An average one story house would be 4.6 meters high. An average two story house would be 6.1 meters high. An average three story house would be 8.5 meters high but I guess that's not really average anymore.

How high is 30 feet?

30 feet is 9.09090909090909090909091 metres it is roughly the height of a two story house.

How much does a one story house weigh?

The weight of a one-story house can vary greatly depending on the materials used for construction, size of the house, and other factors. However, a rough estimate would be anywhere from 50 to 150 tons.

How high can a roof be in a two story house?

The height of a roof is usually limited by local regulations. Check with your local authority.

How tall is 24 stories?

The height of 24 stories can vary depending on the average height of each story, but as a rough estimate, it can be around 240-300 feet tall.