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They can only have four

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Q: What is the most right angles a quaderlateral can have?
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What is never a quaderlateral with four right angles?

A shape with more than four sides, but has four right angles. There is no name for it.

What is a shape with no right angles but is still a quaderlateral?

A shape with no right angles but is still a quadrilateral is called a rhombus. A rhombus has four sides of equal length and opposite sides that are parallel to each other. Although its angles are not right angles, they are all congruent.

A quaderlateral has 2 right angles and one angle measures to 67 degrees what would the fourth angle be measured to?

Well, I don't know that much geometry! *ASK YOUR PARENTS!*

What quadrangle does not have right angles?

Most quadrangles do not have right angles. A rhombus is one example.

Names for a rectangle?


How many right angles does a rhombuses have?

Most of the time, rhombuses have no right angles, but a square is also a rhombus, so if it was a sqare, then there would be four right angles, but it will most likely be none.

What is the most right angles a quadrilateral can have?

Quadrilaterals have four sides, and therefore four angles, so the most right angles it could have is four, like a square.

Does a kite in math talking have any right angles?

Yes . Some might have acute angles . Most likely right angles .

What is the difference between a trapazoid and a rectangle?

All four angles of a rectangle are right angles. A trapezoid can have at most two right angles.

What is a quaderlateral?

shape with 4 sides

Can a parallelogram can have at most 3 right angles?

No because a parallelogram in the shape of a rectangle has 4 right angles

What figure has the most right angles?

A square or an oblong both have 4 right angles, the maximum possible.