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Motion directly either toward or away from the center is 'radial' motion. Motion where the distance from the center is constant is 'tangential' motion.

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Q: What is the motion away from center or axis?
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What is the force that pulls an object away from the axis when it is in rotational motion?

it's centrifugal force..

Motion that is present in circular or curved pathways is call what?

Motion that is present in circular or curved pathways is called rotational motion. It refers to the movement around an axis or center point, as opposed to linear motion which occurs in a straight line. Rotation is characterized by an object turning or spinning on its axis.

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The axis of the earth is tilted in the plane of its orbit. As the earth orbits the sun, the axis is tilted toward the sun and away from the sun and this creates the seasons.

Can a single body have a multiple motion?

Basically, a body can only have one motion at a time. However:* The movement can change over time. * This motion can be expressed as the sum of other motions, for example, movement along the x-axis, the y-axis, and the z-axis. * If the object is rotating, it's usually convenient to express the movement as a combination of linear movement (of the center of mass) and of a rotation.

Is Vertical Machining Center and CNC Milling Machine the same?

in cnc milling bed move linear motion in three axis means x,y and z and there is not attach ATC ( automatic tool changer). in vertical machinnig center bed moves linearly in x and y axis and tool moves linearly in z-axis and ATC attach with vertical machining center.

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When does an equinox occure?

An Equinox occurs when neither end of the Earth's axis is tilted toward or away from the sun.

What type of graph allows you to see motion of an object?

Motion is graphed by using time on one axis and location on the other axis.

When you turn a screw to fix at exhilbits tow kind of motion what are they?

When you turn a screw, it exhibits two types of motion: rotational motion, as the screw twists around its axis, and translational motion, as the screw moves either closer or farther away from the surface it is being driven into.

How does a moons motion compare to a planets motion?

A moon orbits around a planet, while a planet orbits around a star. Moons tend to have faster and smaller orbits compared to planets, which follow larger and slower orbits around the star. Additionally, moons' orbits are influenced by the gravitational pull of their host planet, whereas planets are not typically influenced by other celestial bodies in the same way.

How does a moon's motion compare to a planet's motion?

They both spin on an axis.