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If you mean machine gun.... or assault rifle its Planet Terror! Awesomeness.

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Q: What is the movie where a girl has a machine as her leg?
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When was the movie The Machine Girl released?

The movie The Machine Girl is a Japanese movie that is an action shock and gore film. This movie was released in the US in May 2008 and in Japan in August 2008.

Who was the girl in leg braces in the movie Freeway?

Tara Subkoff played the role of Sharon.

What is the recommended weight range for beginners using a leg press machine according to the leg press machine weight chart?

The recommended weight range for beginners using a leg press machine is typically between 50 to 70 of their body weight, as indicated on the leg press machine weight chart.

Are there benefits using a leg press machine?

Using a leg press machine is great exercise. There are many benefits to using the leg press machine such as increased muscle tone, decreased fat, and just general toning.

Does the Maxicam Leg Weight Machine have and extended warranty I can purchase?

Yes there is an extended warranty available for the Maxicam Leg Weight Machine.

What's the best low cost leg stretcher machine for karate?

You can find a couple of cheap leg stretcher machine for karate on Ebay. The Taekwondo Karate Kicking Metal Leg Stretching Machine $24.99 used is a good deal.

Is Ansel elgort really missing a leg?

well in the movie yes, but not in real life. he had cancer of the leg and had to get it amputated. he has a fake leg on during the movie. at one part of the movie he show the fake leg.

In the movie Paranormal Activity how did they make it look like a ghost draging out the girl by the leg?

Probably a wire or just computer animation.

What are the weight increments available on the leg extension machine?

The weight increments available on the leg extension machine typically range from 5 to 20 pounds.

What are the weight increments available on the leg press machine?

The weight increments available on the leg press machine typically range from 10 to 50 pounds.

How much weight is 4 plates on the leg press machine?

Four plates on the leg press machine typically weigh around 180 pounds.

What is a leg extension machine?

A leg extension machine is an exercise machine that is used to develop strength in the legs. The user sits on a bench and lifts weights with the legs that are attached to the machine by a movable arm. The user curls the toes around the weight bar and pushes forward, straightening the leg during the lift.