Long multiplication 96 x 52 4800 ( = 96 x 50) +192 ( = 96 x 2 ) 4992 ===== The answer!!!!
Algebraic expressions are terms that do not include an equality sign
Well, 12 in=1 ft, so 8X12=96 in.
No, it is an equation. n+6 is an expression.
1 x 96, 2 x 48, 3 x 32, 4 x 24, 6 x 16, 8 x 12.
Long multiplication 96 x 52 4800 ( = 96 x 50) +192 ( = 96 x 2 ) 4992 ===== The answer!!!!
what does the expresstion 5n represent
12 multiplied by 8 equals 96. Multiplication is a mathematical operation that involves repeated addition. In this case, you are adding 12 eight times to get the final product of 96.
Algebraic expressions are terms that do not include an equality sign
Well, 12 in=1 ft, so 8X12=96 in.
A scientist, for example.
1 x 96, 2 x 48, 3 x 32, 4 x 24, 6 x 16, 8 x 12 = 96
Product is multiplication. Therefore the product of 8 and 12 is 8x12 which is 96
No, it is an equation. n+6 is an expression.
Answerit's not 20, because 20 is the sum, and difference is subtraction, and product is multiplication.
1 x 96, 2 x 48, 3 x 32, 4 x 24, 6 x 16, 8 x 12.