If it's a polygon, then it's a heptdecagon.
See the University of Regina Related Link, below, for a list.
The name of a tweleve sided shape is a dodecagon.
It depends on what information you have about the shape.
a twelve sided shape is called a dodecagon.
A Tetracontakaitetragon is a forty - five sided shape ...
The name of an eleven sided geometric shape is a Hendecagon or endecagon.
Heptadecagon or a Heptakaidecagon
heptadecagon is a 17 sided 2d shape
The name for a 57 sided shape is derived by combining the name for a 50 sided shape with the name for a 7 sided shape. A 57 sided shape is called a pentacontaheptagon.
A 17-gon
The name of a tweleve sided shape is a dodecagon.
It depends on what information you have about the shape.
Decagon. A decagon is the name of a ten sided shape.
A 10-sided shape is a decagon.
icosikaidigon is a 22 sided shape
A Pentacontagon is a fifty sided shape ...