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Q: What is the name for a person neither fat nor thin?
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The technical term for a person neither fat nor thin?

The term for a person who is neither fat nor thin is "average" or "normal weight."

Is a mesomorph a person who is neither fat nor thin?

A mesomorph is a specific body type characterized by a structured and muscular build with low body fat. It is one of the three main somatotypes, along with ectomorphs (lean and long) and endomorphs (round and soft). Being a mesomorph does not necessarily mean a person is neither fat nor thin, as body fat levels can vary among individuals of this body type.

How does a fat person get thin?

work out

Is bill gates short?

It depends. To a short person, he is tall. To a tall person he is short. To a fat person, he is thin. To a thin person, he is fat. It all depends on how you look at it.

Is a fat person really fat?

It depends on your point of view. Lets say there are 3 people the thin the average and the fat the thin person would view the average & fat person obese the average person would view people heavier then he/she is as fat and the fat would view itself and people higher as fat. It really depends a point of view. Typically when people say "Oh she is extremely fat!" it typically means very obese in everyones view But if a thin person is talking to an average person and says " Oh she is extremely fat!" the average might assume its an obese person while the thin will view it as an average or an obese

What oxymoron describes cookies?

Fat person and a thin cookie jar.

Why fat is in the body?

many reasons... just to name a few: cushioning, and insulation. For example, a more heavyset person can take a fall, and endure colder climates than a thin person can.

How a thin person become a fatty person in 2 months?

eat lots of meat to become fat

Was Thomas Jefferson fat or thin?


Why it wouldn't be good to be thin in the Arctic?

Because you will get cold quicker than a fat person.

Is Miley Cyrus fat or thin?

it depends how u think of fat or thin.

Who starves to death faster fat or thin people?

Thin, because fat people have stored fat in their bodies. They can realse that fat and it will provide energy. Unlike thin people, they do not have as much fat and will die easier.